Bruce Langton - Biography |
Artist, musician & song writer Bruce Langton brings life through paintings what we all fantasize about in our minds. From creating contemporary abstract painting of guitars, writing music, creating art for 22 books and producing over 150 limited edition prints and etchings nationally, Langton is proud to have carved a name in art history.
Langton started painting at an early age and had his mind set on being a professional artist since the 3rd grade. A decision in high school was made after talking with his teachers and councilors to decide if he should go into music or art. His decision was art but music was always in his heart.
As his art career blossomed, Langton used his love for music, drawing his inspiration from band members and musicians as well as the beauty of fine musical instruments to paint what he loves.
"To me, music and art go hand to hand and music is a good outlet for me. I am convinced that music gives me strength to paint and that painting has a soothing effect on me."
"It is a very fulfilling life as an artist. My plan now is to focus on contemporary abstract paintings and continue my love for music. Presently I am busy with completing a series of new paintings for upcoming shows."
Langton is a gifted artist with his own style and unique ability to please people and through his paintings and music he will find a way to touch your heart.
Langton started painting at an early age and had his mind set on being a professional artist since the 3rd grade. A decision in high school was made after talking with his teachers and councilors to decide if he should go into music or art. His decision was art but music was always in his heart.
As his art career blossomed, Langton used his love for music, drawing his inspiration from band members and musicians as well as the beauty of fine musical instruments to paint what he loves.
"To me, music and art go hand to hand and music is a good outlet for me. I am convinced that music gives me strength to paint and that painting has a soothing effect on me."
"It is a very fulfilling life as an artist. My plan now is to focus on contemporary abstract paintings and continue my love for music. Presently I am busy with completing a series of new paintings for upcoming shows."
Langton is a gifted artist with his own style and unique ability to please people and through his paintings and music he will find a way to touch your heart.